Johlene Sander started her nursing career in 1989 at Volks Hospital (Cape Town) where she qualified as an Enrolled Nurse, then transferred to 2 Military Hospital and completed the Diploma in General Nursing to qualify as a Registered Nurse.
She continued her education by doing a Post-basic Diploma in Midwifery and a Postgraduate Diploma Nursing Administration at the University of Stellenbosch. After working as an Operational Nursing Manager in the Surgical Ward, she completed The Holistic Wound Management Course at University of Free State. She gained knowledge and experience of wound care by working in the private sector with wound care specialists during 2015/6.
After her return to 2 Military Hospital, she was appointed as The Wound Care Specialist and is currently providing wound care advice in the Surgical-, Maternity- and Orthopaedic Wards. She is consulted for wound care advice, in-service training while working hand-in-hand with representatives from the different companies to improve wound care in the hospital.
In 2016 to 2018 she was elected as the Chairperson of the Western Cape Regional Chapter of WHASA (Wound Healing Association of Western Africa). In October 2018 she facilitated the National Congress where she was elected as the National President. Her first duty as National President, was to sign the Memorandum of understanding as a “supporting society” for the 6th Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies Abu Dhabi – UAE.
In 2019, WHASA hosted a National Congress and several international presenters; e.g. Hiske Smart and Madeleine Flannigan, were invited to present lectures on wound care. The
Since January 2019, when she commissioned the new wound care clinic at 2 Military Hospital, she is consulting patients in need of advanced wound care on a daily basis. She also performs duties as a military nurse (e.g. deployment to operational areas). She is currently working at 2 Military Hospital, Cape Town, where she just celebrated 30 years in the nursing profession.
In 2020, Johlene participated with a group of wound experts from WHASA, to submitted an article: “Management of non-healable and maintenance wounds: a systematic integrative review and referral pathway”, for publication in Advances in Skin & Wound Care Journal.