Bharat Kotru is a Podiatrist, Wound Care Specialist and Head of Department of Podiatry and Wound care at Max Hospital. He has done his Podiatry from Uk. He pursued International Interprofessional wound care course (IIWCC) University of Toronto (Canada) in 2015 at the end of course he was awarded with IIWCC best Selective award on ‘’Effect of intensive Education and selfcare on wound healing trajectory”. He has done MSc Clinical Skin integrity and wound Management from University of Hertfordshire (UK). He has Done Diabetic Foot Foundation Course from Michener, Ontario. He has completed his PhD on diabetes and its complications, he also attained training at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences in Department of Podiatry on Diabetic foot, He is presently faculty of IIWCC, University of Toronto and Faculty for Project ‘’TAAC’’ Ethiopia besides this he attained various International and National certificate courses on Diabetic foot and Diabetes. He has got various publications in National and International journals. He is first Podiatrist in Punjab region to convert his practice to Biomechanics and Orthotic therapy. He worked on research Project of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in collaboration with WHO on “Hypertension & Diabetes.
He works in collaboration with other healthcare professionals to bring the highest level of assessment, management and treatment of lower limb pathology and develop the cost effective orthotic and offloading devices along with foot Examination tools for developing countries.